Saturday, June 2, 2012

TNRP - The Voice of Indian Nursing Fraternity

India is the land of diversity. In this country, people from different cultural backgrounds live together as citizens of one country, India. Though language, sociocultural norms vary drastically from state to state, they all are united by sense of brotherhood which transcends above all these differences.
 Since its independence, India has been an exemplary for democracy. The country has made tremendous improvement in all sectors. It is worth mentioning that Government's attention on improving health and well-being of its citizens is gaining momentum. Post independent India had barely enough trained nurses to cater the health needs of its people. Various high power committees setup by Government had submitted their reports about health care needs of people, resources available (or lack of it) and devised plans to meet the health care needs of the people. Since then Government had included in its agenda for educate and train more doctors and nurses as India severely lacked the manpower. The Government's move to train doctors was phenomenal that their numbers rose more than the nurses.

In post-independence era nurses were just trained professionals to aid the physicians. Nurses remained as people with non-formal education trained to assist and take care of patient’s needs. It is now sixty four years after India’s independence. Organ transplantations and other complex procedures which were once performed only abroad are done at big multi-speciality hospitals across India. Medical facilities are made accessible and affordable to people. Nurses play very important role in meeting health care needs at the gross root level. They go right to the door steps of people at villages (village health nurses) to render services. Many nurses work 8 to 12 hours straight providing patient care. It is important that nurses get their due respect and compensation for all their dedicated work.

There are multiple issues surrounding nursing today. Right from the education to workplace nurses experience varied hurdles. There is lack of uniform standards of nursing education, infiltration of sub-standard colleges offering nursing programmes, exorbitant course fees, lack of student support services & job oriented courses have made nursing a less lucrative career among many prospective students. It only adds to the acute shortage of nurses in India. On the other hand, on the service side, nurses face a whole lot of problems everyday of their practice that threatens their very role as a nurse. Nurses are bombarded with undue workload, dominance from medical personnel, poor pay, lack of peer, management support and professional development. Many hospitals created decisive polices which serves only the interest of the hospital. Eventually many nurses become the victim of harassment and fail in their duty to deliver effective nursing care.

‘The Nurses Resources Portal’ is an exclusive blog aimed at providing a knowledge base, utilizing the available resources to excel in practice and sorting out solutions for problems experienced by Indian nurses. This blog aims to focus previously unaddressed issues or those issues which require nurses to work collectively. This blog will definitely help you improve your knowledge and get you involved in the profession.